The Benefits of Pre-Planning

The Boca Raton Mausoleum offers your family the opportunity to choose and make preparations many years in advance. The act of pre-planning affords your family peace of mind and protection from rising costs. Our professional staff is available to assist families with all of your memorial needs. The inevitable will not wait, but with forethought and planning, the burden can be eased for those who are left behind. Pre-Planning is a considerate and thoughtful approach to solving the memorialization issue in advance.
Advance Planning
While it is always difficult to consider the selection of a final resting place, the most appropriate time to do so is before the need arises, when careful consideration can be devoted to making the proper decisions. Making arrangements in advance will not only help to ensure your desires are met but eliminates burdening your family with this task during a very stressful time.
Memorial Services
We work with families to construct a memorial that honors their loved ones while also celebrating their life and achievements. We offer a complete selection of memorialization to accommodate a broad range of financial situations. Many arrangements are comparable to the cost of ground burial.
Celebrations of Life
We help you keep your loved one’s memory alive by celebrating their life on special occasions, such as anniversaries and birthdays.
Perpetual Care
We will continue to honor the memorialization of your loved ones after they have passed. We ensure everything is maintained and kept looking pristine and beautiful. The city of Boca Raton guarantees perpetual care for our Mausoleum with no extra cost to you or your family.
We have a wide selection of interment options to choose from for all budget ranges. Interment options include ide by Side (for 2), True Companion (for 2), Single Crypts, Niches (for 2), and Family Rooms (in the Rotunda Building).
Dedicated Staff
The Boca Raton Mausoleum maintains a staff of experienced, professional counselors who are always available to answer any questions and assist in making your final arrangements. Our staff is well trained and discreet. They will assist you with all your final arrangement decisions with care, compassion, and expertise.